Thursday, 29 November 2012

TUTORIAL: You Suck at Photoshop by Matt Bledsoe and Troy Hitch

A oldie (cut me some slack I only started this blog up three days ago and working through a serious back log of quality posting material.) but a goodie. Once again a tough call, as to whether this was better placed in the Comical category but there is a lot of solid Photoshop advice packaged in a black comedic box. The world of photoshop tutorials was ripe for a parody and Matt Bledsoe and Troy Hitch of the Big Fat Institute for Advanced Interactive Design delivered.   

Now in it's third season, you can find more in the series at his You Suck at Photoshop Youtube channel [link]Word of advice just don't recommend, it to your 8 year old who just got SC6 and want to learn how to use it.     

INSPIRATIONAL: Guy Walks Across America by Sam Griffith, Blake Heal and Peter Cote

The quasi timelapse come stop motion that spawned a million  (O.K a million might be slightly over stating it but....) copies and like any mold from which others are case and will for eternally be compared to, for very good reason. Two words, mind blown. Some derided the fact that it was commissioned by Levi's Jeans [link]. Somehow that devalued the ragtag artistic efforts of the six guys hauled up in a RV on a14 day cross country roadtrip of personal discovery, I beg to differ. I don't really care how art (you know, that thing that makes you stop, think/ponder and in the process alters in some way you look at the world (of which this video is an example)) gets financed whether it's an arts patron, that happens to be CEO of BP, or BP just short circuiting the whole redistribution of wealth, as long as it's not via you know say the proceeds of  blood diamonds from Angola.  

Directed by Sam Griffith [link] Produced by Blake Heal and Photography/Cinematography by Peter Cote
 You can find more work from this hub of creative talent at their production company Conscious Minds [link]. you can watch the behind the scenes in the video below if you feel the need to have the illusion shattered.  


Tuesday, 27 November 2012

EXHIBITION: Illuminati - RMIT Diploma of Photo Imaging Graduate Exhibiton

gymnast,jaimi chisholm, jaimi, chisholm, gymnastics, girl, female, strobe, strobist, photograph,photography, jump, RMIT, diploma of photoimaging, melbourne, australia, sport,
Gymnast by Jaimi Chisholm [link]

The 2012 graduating crew of the Diploma of Photo Imaging [link] at RMIT are putting on their show Illuminati at the Obsucra gallery details are below: 

               Place: Obscura Gallery - Beller House Suite 11, 285 Carlisle Street St 
                           Kilda East 3183 Vic 
Opening Night: 1st of December 
                Time: Kicking off at 6:00pm   

Exhibition runs from the 1st till the 12th of December.

I know by proxy (thanks Mike, Joji et al) how much more intense the workload of the Diploma of Photo Imaging is, compared to the BA (Photography) program at RMIT which reflects in the quality of work I've seen over the last two years. 28 students covering a wide gamut of genres from fashion to sport there will be something for almost everybody.

To get the full details and checkout all the talent on show then head to the Illuminati website [link]

Wishing the 2012 crew the best of success in what ever direction they take their careers

TUTORIAL: Pro Photographer / Cheap Camera - Chase Jarvis by DigitalRev TV

If you ever find yourself on a 40,000 dollar commercial shot with nothing but a lego camera and flash, then take a few pages out of Chase Jarvis' [link] book, it may just save the job and allay the concerned look of fear on the face of the art director. This also puts one of Chase's mantras to the test that the best camera is the one that is with you [link].

This is but one of many Pro Photographer / Cheap Camera series presented by Kai Wong [link] and the DigitalRev TV Crew [link] so check the rest out. 

COMICAL: Smoking Strobes Onelight Clamshell Lighting Tutorial by Michael Zelbel

I didn't really know whether to put this one of but many great Smoking Strobes lighting tutorials [link] by Michael Zelbel (if that really is your real name) [link] in the comical or the tutorial category, due to their ever so subtlety subversive presentation of technically correct information. His like the Ali G of the photography tutorial game poking fun of the authoritative photographer as youtube personality and lets be frank they are a dime a dozen these days. Having said that there is actually a lot of solid and technically correct advice.

Monday, 26 November 2012

INSPIRATIONAL: Femto-Photography by the MIT Media Lab’s Camera Culture group

Whilst Yogi, may be smarter that the average bear [link], his certainly not faster than your average photon but I guess that's really like comparing apples with flying saucers, although capture is invovled in both processess. My point is this is pretty crazy actaully been able to see the lighting effect as a result of a passing photon over various surfaces. Literally to be able to see the passage of light. The capture technology using a effective shutter speed of 2 trillionths of a second was developed by the MIT Media Lab’s Camera Culture group in collaboration with Bawendi Lab. I love how you don't have to be a rocket scientist to appreciate the beauty in the video but would have had to to design the technology.    

Here is the TED Talk given by  Ramesh Raskar talking about the potential of this technology with a much higher res image of the above video and a few others for good measure.

You can read the full scientific abstract of the experimental device here [link]

COMICAL: Photoshop Tutorial Rap by College Humor

The crew at College Humor [link] and their seemingly endless pots of gold have done it again with a rap inspired photoshop tuturial that is both eye popping catchy and educational. Mark Galer [link] the gauntlet has been thrown down good sir, the gauntlet has been thrown.

I know you're asking how could this get any better right? Well they did a sequel, although I have to admit it's hard to buck the age old adage of the orginal is always the best. Case in point.

TUTORIAL: It's All About the Jaw by Peter Hurley

Los Angeles based photographer Peter Hurley [link] is well qualified to be articulating the finer points of the headshot, including this handy little snippet. Just remember it's all about the jaw.  

COMICAL: Shit Photographers Say by Paris Visone, Tim Kennedy, Chris Sanchez and Dan Aguirre

Following in the well worn and muddy footsteps of all those shit [insert a group of people] say before them, Paris Visone [link] with Tim Kennedy [link], Chris Sanchez [link] and Dan Aguirre [link] strike gold. Nearly on par with Shit New Yorkers say [link].

soft.soft.soft.soft = gold

COMICAL: MWAC Attack by Missy Mwac

Missy Mwac [link] has hit the comical satire nail right on the head, with the subtly of a sledgehammer and God bless her P is for professional soul, for doing so. I really don't know how she can pack so many cliches into such short videos, but this is true comedic gold.

If you would believe pretty much every photograhy forum out there on the interwebs, Moms with a Camera  (MWAC's) are a devisive topic of discussion. Missy cut's through the noise and puts her head above the parapet. Never let those Leica lugging trolls stop you from shining light into this world.  

COMICAL: Photoshop's New Photobomb Tool by College Humor

I don't know where College Humor [link] get the kind of dosh you need to create a production of this sort, although I'm glad they did. Just when you think they have one too far they go a little further, the corner stone of American toilet humor. 

I'm lobbying Adobe to get this part of Photoshop CS7. In the era of social media, this is going to save a lot of people's time.       

COMICAL: So, you want to be a photographer by Francis Zera

Five words,telling it how it is. This solid post-photographic-democratisation (ppd) piece by Francis Zera [link], using the Xrtanormal movie maker [link], highlights the folley of rash decision making and delusions of grandeur following the purchase of a high end DSLR.

EXHIBITION: Jeff Wall Photographs at the National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne, Australia

A Sudden Gust of Wind (after Hokusai), 1993. [source]

Jeff Wall Photographs, a retrospective of the contemporary fine art photographer Jeff Wall in all it's lightbox illimiated glory, is on display at the National Gallery of Victoria (NGV) [link] from the 30th of November until the 17th of March. 

Jeff will be making his way downunder to give an artist talk fellow artist Thomas Demand on the 28th of November  (i.e tomorrow!) at 6:00pm for more details checkout the [link]

For more details about the exhibition checkout the official NGV website [link]

TUTORIAL: Autofocus Fine Tuning by easy exposure

Is your cameras autofocus spot on? 

A very informative, comprehensive and easy to understand tutorial on autofocus fine tuning, by Easy Exposure [link]. You may have the best lens and camera combination that money can buy, but if the auto focus is off by a smidgen, kiss the sharpest possible eyes goodbye in that textbook portrait (using a Canon 85mm f1.2 shooting at f1.2) kind of way (assuming here you are using autofocus (if you are using manual focus well it's you not the camera so get your eyes checked [link] and or diopter adjusted [link] )). You owe it to your paying customers to be spot on each time and until Lytro [link] comes out with a more professional grade model that doesn't make you look like you are shooting the entire campaign on a mobile phone or a new focal plane shifting tool ships with CS7 you better get with the program.    

INSPIRATIONAL: Harry Taylor's American Tintype short film

Everything old becomes new and somewhat more magical again. This couldn't be much truer than in American Tintype, a short film by Matt Morris [link], documenting the process of photographer Harry Taylor [link].

If this doesn't inspire you to go back to the darkroom or enter it for the first time and or go on a cross country road trip of discovery, then I don't know what will.  

INSPIRATIONAL: Mickey Smith's Dark Side of the Lens short film

There aren't many awards Dark Side of the Lens, a short film by Mickey Smith (teaming up with Astray Films [link]), hasn't picked up. After you view it you'll know why. A perfect combination of visuals and spoken word, to give create a powerful sensory synergy. If this doesn't inspire you to be a professional photographer I don't know what will.   

You can checkout more at Mickey's website 

INSPIRATIONAL: Zack Arias' Transform short film

The thing I love about Zack is his forthright honesty, telling the world the way he sees it without the sugar coating. His Transform short film is a perfect example. If you have ever doubted your abilities as a photographer or why you are even still in the game, then let it be known you are not alone and to take heart in that knowledge. A fine meditation on a photographers journey 

You can checkout the full details about the short at Zack's website 

Sunday, 25 November 2012

Revealing my Sources

Like all unethical journalist worth their salt, I'm going to reveal the major sources of material for this blog. I strongly encourage you to go to the horses mouth because you certainly didn't hear it from me first and there is a much greater wealth of knowledge to be found the deeper down the rabbit hole you go.


Chase Jarvis' Blog ~ [link]
Sally Brownbill's Blog ~ [link]
Zack Arias' Blog ~ [link]
Trey Radcliff's Blog ~ Stuck in Customs
Rob Haggart's Blog ~ A Photo Editor 
Jorg Colberg's Blog ~ Conscientious
Pieter Wisse's Blog 500 Photographers


Chase Jarvis Live ~ [link]
Twit Photo with Catherine Hall ~ [link]
Dane Sanders ~ Fast Track Photographer
Tamera Lackey ~ Redefine


The Center for Contemporary Photography, Melbourne Australia ~ [link]
Edmund Pearce Gallery, Melbourne Australia ~ [link]
National Gallery of Victoria (NGV), Melbourne Australia ~ [link]
Monash Gallery of Art, Melbourne Australia ~ [link]
Museum of Old and New Art (MONA), Hobart Tasmania ~ [link]
Stills Gallery, Sydney Australia ~ [link]
Museum of Contemporary Art, Sydney Australia ~ [link]

Conferences and Festivals 

Photokina ~ [link]
Ballerat Foto Biennale, Ballerat Australia ~ [link]
Nordic Light Festival  ~ [link]
PhotoShelter Luminance Photo Conference ~ [link]
FotoFreo, Fremantle Australia ~ [link]

Public Lectures 

TED Talks ~ [link]
RMIT Unversity ~ [link]
The University of Melbourne ~ [link]
Monash University ~ [link]
La Trobe University ~ [link]
Deakin University ~ [link]

Comical Stuff 

College Humour ~ [link]
Photoshop Disasters ~ [link]
Missy MWAC (Mom With A Camera) ~ [link]
Xtranormal ~ [link]

Inspirational Stuff 

see above