Thursday 7 February 2013

TUTORIAL: If I Had to Start Today talk by Zack Arias

Zack Arias [link] is one of those guys I have a lot of time for and for good reasons. Like any good mentor he doesn't sugar coat things, tells you what you don't want to hear but need to and allows you to learn from their mistakes the easy way rather than the hard way.

If you wanted a starting point to thinking about starting up a photography business then contained within this talk there are some great guidelines.

In summary

  1. Get an accountant!!! 
  2. Know your numbers (figure out the cost of doing business)
  3. There is good debt and bad debt avoid bad debt. Bad debt is that lens or body that you don't really need but would like to have etc. 
  4. Get a basic, simple website (wordpress template)
  5. Find your niche/market (research, research, research) 
  6. Find your referral base (find the people that can connect you with people who would buy your work) 
  7. Get invovled in your local community (making meaningful relationships) 
  8. Hustle (get off xbox, photography forum, internet) shoot new work,  
  9. Out source what you need to (focus on the stuff you do well and then outsource the stuff you suck at)

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